AN ACT to provide for the establishment of a Division of Agricultural Extension at Delaware College, and to provide for the maintenance thereof.

Whereas, the Federal Government is appropriating annually a large sum of money primarily for instruction in Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, and

Whereas, the Federal Government has ruled that the funds appropriated for this purpose must and shall be limited to the institutions designated by the respective states as the recipients of such appropriations, and

Whereas, under existing conditions but few of the people derive any direct benefit from said appropriations; therefore, in order to carry directly to the farmer the largest information relating to improved husbandry,

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

Section 1. That there be established at Delaware College situated in Newark, Delaware, as a part and under the control and direction of the Agricultural Department of said College, a Division of Agricultural extension.

Section 2. That it shall be the duty of said Division of Agricultural Extension to conduct such co-operative experiments in different parts of the State with fertilizers, promising crops, various methods of tillage, etc., as shall tend to acquaint the farmers of the State with the most approved methods of husbandry.

That it shall be the further duty of said Division of Agricultural Extension to conduct a Boys' Corn Growing Contest, and by other means to interest the youth of the State in agriculture.

That officers of the Division of Agricultural Extension shall also be available for farm surveys, and for aiding individual farmers in a study of their soil and of the crops for which it is particularly adapted.

The Division of Agricultural Extension shall not be restricted by the above enumeration of its duties, but shall be at liberty to do all that it can, within the generally accepted provisions of this Act, to further the agricultural interests of the State, provided the appropriation hereinafter provided for shall not be exceeded.

Section 3. To enable the Trustees of Delaware College to carry into effect the provisions of this Act, that the sum of Nine thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the Treasury of this State, to be paid by the State Treasurer to the Trustees of said College as follows: One-half thereof on the first day of July A. D. Nineteen hundred and eleven, and the other half thereof on the first day of July, A. D., Nineteen hundred and twelve.

Approved April 6, A. D. 1911.