Legislative Council
Legislative Council is made up of the leadership from the Senate and the House of Representatives. Legislative Council oversees the two nonpartisan, confidential legislative agencies, the Division of Research and the Office of the Controller General. Staff support for Legislative Council is provided by the Division of Research.
The President Pro Tempore shall be Chairperson of the Council during odd-numbered years and Vice-Chair during even numbered years. The Speaker shall be Chairperson of the Council during even-numbered years and Vice-Chair during odd-numbered years.
Meeting Minutes
Minutes for meetings held after October 2020 are attached to the meeting notice found under the “Past Meetings” section, above. Minutes for meetings held from October 2016 to October 2020 are available in the “Meeting Minutes” document library, below. Minutes for meetings held before October 2016 are available on request by contacting the Division of Research at legislative.council@delaware.gov or by calling (302) 744-4114.