AN ACT to Fix the Time for Holding the Superior Court and Court of General Sessions in the several Counties in this State.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

Section 1. That the Superior Court and Court of General Sessions in and for Sussex County shall be held on the Sussex County first Monday in April, the last Monday in June, the first Monday in October, and the first Monday in February; in Kent County on the third Monday in April, the first Monday in July, the third Monday in October, and the third Monday in February; and in New Castle County on the third Monday in September, the first Monday in November, the first Monday in January, the first Monday in March, and the first Monday in June. At the June term in Sussex County and the July term in Kent County, no jury shall be summoned, but matters of fact at issue, if the parties agree, may be tried by the Court and judgment rendered upon their decision thereon as upon a verdict by a jury. Whenever the time herein fixed for the holding of a term of either of said Courts in any County in the State shall fall on a legal holiday, the said term shall begin on the next day thereafter. Provided that the provisions of this Act shall not take effect or go into operation until after the second Monday in July in the year nineteen hundred and seven; but until that time, the terms of the said Courts shall be held at the time fixed by law for the holding of the same prior to the passage of this Act.

Section 2. All Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.

Approved April 9, A. D. 1907.