AN ACT regulating the sale of spiritous, vinous or malt liquors.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met,

SECTION 1. That the figure 5 in line one, of section 6, of chapter 418, volume 14, Laws of Delaware, be stricken out, and the figure 4 be inserted in lieu thereof.

SECTION 2. That paragraph three, of section ten, of chapter said chapter amended. 418, volume 14, Laws of Delaware, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out of line two, the words "substantial freeholders," and insert in lieu thereof the words "respectable out of entire citizens," and by striking out the word "freeholders " wherever it occurs in said chapter 418, in volume 14, Laws of Delaware, and insert in lieu thereof the word " citizen."

SECTION 3. That section 19, of chapter 418,of the 14th volume of Delaware Laws, be and the same is hereby amended, by adding after the word " dollars" in the last line of said section , the following: "The fact that the party accused pays taxes to the United States as a liquor dealer or vender, may, selling without a license. in the discretion of the court, be given in evidence as prima facie proof to convict.

SECTION 4. That chapter 418 of the 14th volume of Delaware Laws be amended by adding the following : "Section 25.* amended All licenses granted under the provisions of this act, may be assigned to an incoming tenant with the approval of the Associate Judge residing in the county in which the license is granted, and the assignee shall be, from such approval, held and taken to be licensed for the same purpose for which the assignor was licensed, and subject to all the liabilities and penalties imposed by the act to which this is a supplement."

Passed at Dover, March 22, 1877.

*So enrolled.