AN ACT authorizing the State Treasurer to destroy matured, paid off, cancelled and called Bonds and Coupons and certain cancelled Duplicate Voucher Checks and Paid Bills and authorizing the State Auditor to destroy certain cancelled Duplicate Voucher Checks and Paid Bills.

WHEREAS, The State of Delaware has issued from time to time bond issues for different purposes, some issues r, of which have matured, been paid off, cancelled and redeemed;

WHEREAS, There has been issued in recent years many bonds for the construction of Highways, several issues of which at the present time have been called for payment and cancelled, with indications that more of these issues will be called in the near future; and

WHEREAS, A permanent record has been made of the issues of bonds giving full details of each bond and the disposition of each bond, whether matured, called or cancelled, and the dates of such transactions ; and

WHEREAS, The file of both the State Auditor's office and the State Treasurer's office are also congested with certain cancelled duplicate voucher checks and paid bills, which are of no legal value to the State of Delaware and only requiring filing space necessary for other uses; and

WHEREAS, Adequate storage space for the safe keeping and preservation of abovementioned papers, coupons, etc., is not always available; now, therefore,

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

Section 1. The State Treasurer is hereby given authority to destroy any paid off, matured, redeemed, called, or cancelled bonds and coupons of the State of Delaware, which he deems advisable, provided he shall retain a Certificate of Destruction or Cremation, which shall be witnessed by the Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, State Auditor, and a representative of the Farmers Bank of the State of Delaware, or at least by a majority of the above referred to witnesses.

Section 2. The State Treasurer and State Auditor are hereby authorized to destroy certain cancelled duplicate voucher checks and paid bills of the State of Delaware in their possession which are of no legal value and which are bills more than five years old.

Section 3. All Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent here-with are hereby repealed in so far as the inconsistency may occur only.

Approved April 6, 1931.