Delaware General Assembly





By Resolution of the 75th Congress, April 6th of each year has been set apart as Army Day.

All Americans should give thanks and tangibly express appreciation for the glorious accomplishments of our military men and women during the armed conflict so recently concluded.

Americans now tensely await the results of the current peace treaty negotiations, while many of our statesmen, as well as some of our military leaders, warn the people of the United States that another armed conflict between nations is not impossible at this moment. And yet, the people of Delaware have not recovered from the horrors and disastrous effect of World War II. The poignancy of sorrow strikes our souls when we recall the supreme sacrifices of some, the disability of others and the economic malajustment of many of our veterans. In this welter of confusion it would be well for all citizens of Delaware, and indeed of the world, to give serious consideration to the grave problems confronting us. Let us search our minds and hearts in order to determine that which each of us may fittingly do to preserve peace and to protect and defend America.

Let us do so as we honor and celebrate the glorious achievements of our military men and women in the past conflict and salute the youth of America which now constitutes our Army.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Walter W. Bacon, Governor of the State of Delaware, do hereby proclaim and set apart Tuesday, April 6th, as


and I sincerely request thoughtful and appropriate observance
of this day. I ask that the flag be flown from places of business,
homes and public buildings. I further request that suitable cele-

brations be conducted throughout the State and that such events be confined to the period of this day insofar as practicable.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, Walter W. Bacon, Governor of

the State of Delaware, have hereunto set my

hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of

Delaware to be hereunto affixed, at Dover, this

(GREAT SEAL) twenty-fifth day of March, in the year of our

Lord, one thousand nine hundred and forty-eight,

and of the Independence of the United States of

America, the one hundred and seventy-second.

By the Governor:


WILLIAM J. STOREY, Secretary of State.